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CEIN Concept Dialogue with Melissa Riley Bradford!


Creative Educators International Network (CEIN) is pleased to announce a Concept Dialogue with Melissa Riley Bradford on April 15, 2023, at 3:00 PM EDT.

Melissa Riley Bradford is a professional lecturer for the Educational Leadership program at DePaul University in Chicago, IL, and directs the Internship Program for Principal, Superintendent, General, and Higher Education Leadership Preparation. She also teaches courses related to dialogue and Daisaku Ikeda’s educational philosophy for the Value-Creating Education for Global Citizenship program at DePaul University. While working on her dissertation, she received the 2015-17 Ikeda Center Education Fellowship to support her research on the role of dialogue in value-creating education. Melissa’s publications explore her research interests in Ikeda/Soka Studies, dialogue, value-creative leadership, qualitative research methodologies, and self-directed education. In 2022, Melissa received the 2022 Faculty Recognition Award from DePaul University’s Latinx graduating class. Prior to teaching at DePaul, Melissa taught eighth-grade science and taught math and science for Joliet Junior College. She is also the founder of Tallgrass Sudbury School in Riverside, IL, and serves as the president of its board of directors.

In this interactive session, Melissa will share an overview of value-creative dialogue and its role in education and educational leadership. Breakout sessions will include dialogue exercises that can be done with teachers, leaders, and students alike.

The invitation with the zoom link is enclosed. Melissa also will provide Nozomi Inukai's literature review for people who would like to know the current state of research in Ikeda/Soka Studies.

We look forward to your participation!

Kathleen Tracy

CEIN Secretary


Topic: CEIN Concept Dialogue Time: Apr 15, 2023, 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting

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